Monday 2 November 2009

London Film Festival: Starsuckers

Oh my GOD I’m bored of writing reviews. Almost as bored as you must be of reading them, if indeed you are reading them. And if indeed you’re actually there. However, the London Film Festival is finally over so I can hopefully get on with posting silly clips like this:

In the meantime, here’s my final LFF review, which I can barely summon the enthusiasm to write, so I’ll understand if you’re similarly disinterested in reading it. I’ll make it short.

Starsuckers: a self-defeatingly one-sided documentary about our obsession with celebrity culture. Entertaining and well made but ultimately more unbalanced than Mercury and Jupiter on a see-saw.

The Incredible Suit has employed a phalanx of statisticians and mathematicians to examine all my posts about the London Film Festival in an attempt to rate the event as a whole. They have just emerged from their sweaty little stat-shed and presented this final analysis:

Oh dear, that’s not very good is it. Conclusion: Don’t bother next year.

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